Solutions Back by Real Data and Real Results.
Comprehensive Financial Measurement and Analytics
Performing initial analytics on several years of your claims and utilization data is an intricate part of our solution and enables us to identify immediate savings opportunities. Post implementation you receive regular reports detailing measurements of your ROI, including savings and value of implemented solutions.
CUE utilizes a robust engine of financial management and analytics tools to:
Calculate your ROI and provide comprehensive reporting of savings
Mensurable cost reductions in CCM, Rx, Office Visits, ER visits, Lab/DME/Diagnostics
Identify health cost drivers
Monitor population health
Optimize contracted network needs with cost effectiveness and review TPA/Payer contract
Model plan designs and implement CCM and discounted Rx/Lab/DME/Diagnostics programs to control benefit costs
Identify and recover claims payment errors
Provide comprehensive financial and utilization reporting: plan cost, employee cost vs benchmark, primary/specialist/inpatient/outpatient/ER, in-network vs out-of-network, Rx, outlier, stop-loss, and much more
The CUE financial management program is not simply a reporting tool. It is a hand-on, assertive, and integral component of our data analytics service. The data is used to reveal specific opportunities to execute and deliver cost savings to your company's health insurance plan and benefits.